When you are in a bankruptcy state it means that you are not in a capacity to pay your debtors their money. This is a very difficult moment for any business because you cannot even get extra cash to run the business or pay your employees. There is no other lender who can trust you with his or her money. However, as a business, you need to understand that you have been protected by the law even though you are in this situation and for that matter, you can still secure a debt financing. There are several advantages of debt financing and here are some of them.
You get extra cash to run the business. Without money, there is nothing that can continue in the business. You can’t operate at all so you will have to look for more money so that you can be in an operational state. You can have debt financing because this will help you to have money that you can continue your business. This is the only way you can generate something that can revive your glory and be able to pay the debts you have as well. It is essential therefore not to lose hope because you are in bankruptcy because you can still take a loan and finance your business.
These advantages are that you are able to pay your staff. What motivates the staff is the salary. If the staffs are not paid then they will not also work. This is why you must ensure that you pay them for them to be productive as well. You need them because they are the people that will help you grow your business. It is important to ensure that your employees are not feeling humiliated in the workplace when it becomes to salary payments because you will lose their morale and trust which is hard to win back.
You will be in a position to secure supplies. For you to get something to sell, you must have a happy supplier somewhere who is smiling all the way to the bank. When you pay your suppliers on time, you will be able even to command what you want. A happy supplier will supply you with the right things you need so you should be keen when you are dealing with your suppliers because it is through paying them that you will also be able to secure more products for you. You can also watch this video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWpExOqtQwE for more facts about real estate.